Friday, August 7, 2015

Lucky I'm in Love with My Best Friend

That's a line from one of "our songs". You know how you just pick out a couple songs that were totally written for you and your significant other? Yeah, no one really has "a song" anymore these days. You just have to pick them lol. So yeah Lucky by Jason Mraz was one I always liked since it talks about being separated with the ocean between them and one on an pretty appropriate for our long distance relationship while I was going to school in Hawaii. There's also Always by Blink 182, which I know is like a breakup song but at the same time, we couldn't be together while I was gone. Hence the favorite, Better Together by Jack Johnson. 

But for now Lucky. Or another word I like to use instead is Blessed. I always remember this from my mom when I had my accident. Every time people heard the story of how I was run over by a u-haul (and a car...that part always gets left out cause a u-haul sounds much worse, but I was in fact run over by both), they would undoubtedly say, "Wow, you are so lucky!" Lucky?! I was 16 years old. Happened to land face down so the car with the attached u-haul could run over my body, with my butt (the area with the most cushion on your body) bearing the brunt of it. I blanked out for the actual occurrence, thus avoiding the pain and I got up and walked away. No sorry, I ran away from the incident. With nothing more than some cuts and scrapes (no noticeable scars), tire marks across my butt (which sadly went away), a broken collarbone (third time), 3 broken ribs, and a broken lumbar on my spine. None of which, I have to show for today (well except you can see where my collarbone broke and healed itself back together since there's nothing they can really do for that - but that's because it was the third time so this accident isn't fully to blame for that). Hence, my mom would always correct the people that were in awe over what great luck I had and said, "No, blessed. We are truly blessed". Yes, I don't think I ran away from this incident with minor injuries due to luck. As a doctor stated to me (which I dont even know if they're allowed to say), "Somebody must have been watching over you."

And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is a very true statement. Somebody was watching over me and has been watching over me every single day of my life. And for that I feel truly blessed. I am so grateful for all of my many blessings and for everything in my entire life. Sometimes (very often, in fact), I get this big burst of happy energy and leap with my hands in the air just thinking how much I love my life and how blessed I am (I wish I could say this is metaphorically speaking, but I really actually do this. Literally. In private of course lol) But I am just so very thankful. For the gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost because I wouldn't have anything, I wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for the church and my knowledge of who I am, why I'm here and where I'm going. 

I am also tremendously grateful for my entire family, and especially my little family. I have the most amazing (hands down) husband in the world. For that, I am truly lucky because I don't think I did anything to coming close to deserving him so I am very very lucky. He is amazing in every single way. He gives without ever wanting to receive. He thinks about my needs and wants before his own. He loves me more than I even thought was humanly possible and he makes me feel like the most important person in the world. He is the patriarch of our family. He is a co-decision maker. He is sweet, caring funny, compassionate, the list goes on and on. I am so grateful for him. 

Then there's Adelynn. My sweet little angel baby who made me a mother. Words cannot adequately express how much I love being a mom and am so grateful for this divine calling on my life. Addie was a fairly easy baby from day one and is such a sweet girl. I love watching her grow and develop and learn new things (which are usually things I do so I better be careful what I do in front of her). She is so smart, funny, caring, silly, and the best big sister in the world. I love watching her randomly come up and kiss Cora or say "oh-oh" and give her her fafa. I am so grateful for my sweet little Addie. 

And finally (for now) my little princess Coraline. She chose her birthday 9 days early (which I will remind her if she ever doesn't like it) and I couldn't be happier. Throughout my pregnancy I always wished to go to my due date (Jan 2) for her own sake so she didn't have a December birthday but about two weeks before she was born, I finally decided any day except Christmas, and a week before she was born I thought whatever is meant to be. Well, she decided to grace us with her presence Christmas Eve and I was thrilled. My whole pregnancy I thought about what to do for her birthdays...decided not to do half birthday since that's too much work for no real reason in June and it's not her real birthday so then I still have to do something in December. I am SO glad she was not born in the middle of December, when she would have to compete with Christmas parties and traditions. I am actually glad it's not after Christmas because the Christmas season is over. So I am very happy it is Christmas Eve. Everyone will remember it (though I know everyone is busy) and we will be able to make some new Christmas Eve / birthday traditions. Also, if she wants a party before or after Christmas we can do either since it is so close :) So I just LOVE my sweet Christmas baby, my Christmas miracle. I have now been in the hospital on Christmas Eve twice (once when I was the Christmas miracle and now with bringing the Christmas miracle into this world). She truly is amazing. I love her more than words can describe. She was a very colicky baby for 3 months but after that, it was like a light switch turned on and she is the best baby in the world (other than waking up every 2 hours for 6 months of her life. But that is just one of those things I did without even realizing how crazy it was cause I love her so much). She is just happy to be, rolls around like crazy and curious about every little thing. She grabs everything in her possession and reaches for anything that you think is far enough away. She is a mommy's girl and always wants me (can't complain). I just love my precious little Cora. 

I just love my family and everything in my life and just feel so incredibly blessed ❤️